What Plants Should I Protect?

Hey there, fellow adventurers! It’s your pal Bob the deer, joined by my buzzing buddy, Rob the mosquito. We’re back with another Everguard Repellents newsletter! The other day, I was strolling along the trail at Long Pond in Hopkinton, RI. For those who don’t know, Long Pond isn’t just famous for its cameo in Wes Anderson’s “Moonrise Kingdom”; it’s also known for its stunning display of wild rhododendrons. These amazing evergreens flower in pink, purple, and white during the spring and line the paths with their lovely hues.

Rhododendrons are a treat that many deer love all year round because they remain green even in the cold winter months. But these aren’t the only plants we find delicious! My fellow deer and I also have a taste for daisies, hydrangea bushes, tomato plants, sunflowers, tulips, and hostas. And it’s not just us deer—my rabbit friends enjoy munching on many of these same plants, along with petunias, marigolds, pansies, and crocuses!

But here’s where Everguard Repellents saves the day. When your rhododendrons are sprayed with Everguard, it’s easy for me to distinguish which plants I should avoid. With the added benefit of Everguard’s Deer & Rabbit Granular Repellent, I can also steer clear of the flowers and shrubs that you love because I can smell them while walking with my nose to the ground.

So thanks to Everguard, I’m a lot happier knowing which plants to leave alone and which ones are fair game. My fellow deer and rabbit friends agree: it’s much better than noise repellents or barriers that just make life more difficult. Plus, we appreciate that Everguard is eco-friendly, so even if we do happen to nibble on your plants by accident, we’re safe and sound.